COVID-19 Fun Pages!

Global Covid Cases

Text for a selected block appears below the table, graphics appear in a new page. Graphics are cluttered due to using only 10 colours, intent was to see if belonging to a bloc led to a uniform repsonse. The graphs show the answer. Not.

There are four blocs for Africa, due to the number of countries. These are Africa North of the Equator, South of the Equator, West of 15 degrees East, and East of 15. For these blocs, the data plotting start date for deaths per cases rate has been offset, as some countries often showed very high case-fatality rate in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The latitudes and longitudes for the countries in these blocs are from the Johns Hopkins University data, and for each country are the coordinates of the centroid; thus South of the Equator means the centroid for the country is located South of 0, not that the entire country is South of 0. West of 15 degrees East roughly contains the entire northern bulge of Africa, most of the countries West of Prague or Chad.

In the early days, the number of deaths can be equal to the number of cases for some countries so death rate looks like 100%. This is simply a function of data gathering and testing getting up to speed. Eventually the rate of death per confirmed case is trending towards 2 to 4%. The huge weight of the USA (25 percent of the total) on the numbers affects the global case-fatality weight.

Average Daily Cases are computed using a moving 7 day average, to smooth out reporting latency. JHU reports cumulative cases, so to increase plotting speed, I pre-compute a table of daily delta cases (new cases) and then sum those for the major jurisdiction (example Canada, not each province or the UK including territories) and then compute the moving average. We present the Absolute (daily total) and the Per 10K (divided 10K population) metric.

BlocCasesDeathsDeaths per Case (percent)7-Day Average Cases
 TextPlotTextPlotTextPlotAbsolutePer 10 K
G7 text graph text graph text graph graph graph
G20 text graph text graph text graph graph graph
EU text graph text graph text graph graph graph
EEA text graph text graph text graph graph graph
OECD text graph text graph text graph graph graph
OPEC text graph text graph text graph graph graph
ASEAN text graph text graph text graph graph graph
MERCUSOR text graph text graph text graph graph graph
NATO text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Africa text graph text graph text graph graph graph
North America text graph text graph text graph graph graph
South America text graph text graph text graph graph graph
East Asia text graph text graph text graph graph graph
South Asia ARC text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Middle East text graph text graph text graph graph graph
The Stans text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Nordic text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Baltic text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Western Europe text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Eastern Europe text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Top Ten text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Top Twenty text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Africa North text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Africa South text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Africa 15 West text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Africa 15 East text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Pacific Islands text graph text graph text graph graph graph
Caucasus text graph text graph text graph graph graph

Data taken as a csv download from Johns Hopkins University github. Data contains confirmed cases, deaths and population for each country. I added the multinational groupings such as OPEC or G7 membership. Data sort is based on the Per10K ( per capita * 10,000 population) statistics, desdending.

I chose 10K, as anybody who has been to a sports arena knows what 10,000 people looks like. It is half a Bell Centre crowd. It is an easily visualized number of people - a small town, a crowd at a game.

Confirmed Cases: Data for EastAsia (East Asia)

DateCountry/RegionDeaths Per Case (per cent)
2022-05-31 North Korea600.00
2022-05-31 China0.60
2022-05-31 Japan0.35
2022-05-31 Mongolia0.24
2022-05-31 South Korea0.13
2022-05-31 Taiwan0.11

28 days earlier

DateCountry/RegionDeaths Per Case (per cent)
2022-05-03 China0.64
2022-05-03 Taiwan0.50
2022-05-03 Japan0.37
2022-05-03 Mongolia0.24
2022-05-03 South Korea0.13
2022-05-03 North Korea0.00

Bloc Member Population

Country / RegionPopulation
China 1,404,676,330
Taiwan 23,816,775
China 7,496,988
Japan 126,476,458
North Korea 25,549,604
South Korea 51,269,183
China 649,342
Mongolia 3,278,292

virus model

actual photo of the virus


worst variant of the virus

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